Hey everyone, Gareth here from Exposed Wolf, welcome to another blog post. Today I want to talk about one of the main problems that I come up against with my client’s videos. They always procrastinate on shooting videos because they are not sure what to talk about on camera.
Approximate read time three minutes.
So the best thing to talk about on camera is to identify your client’s pain points and how you solve them. So write down some of the most frequently asked questions that you get from your clients, and then what your business or brand does to help solve those problems that they get. Write them all down, and then go on camera and speak about it. It’s as easy as that. You can then get those videos transcribed and turn them into a blog. (This blog was actually taken from a video post that I did). By speaking it first it gives a good skeleton to then flesh out in blog form.
Your business makes life easier for people otherwise customers wouldn’t buy from you and you wouldn’t have a business. So tell prospective clients exactly what it is that you do to help them. The keywords alone that you use will bring people to your site. It’s great for SEO as the problems you solve are the problems that people will be typing into google.
If you are starting out and struggling to come up with potential questions in your videos that people ask then there is a great site called answerthepublic.com. You can type in keywords that relate to your business and it will give you a whole bunch of questions that people have been searching for online.
So remember, the best video marketing content is to identify pain points, how your business solves them, get it down on video, and then other potential clients will see you posting the videos. You’re not only answering the questions to your contacts but you are organically reaching future prospects as well. It makes you stand out and become the authority in your field and they’re going to come to you when they’re ready to buy.
I hope you enjoyed this quick blog, and I’ll see you next time.
Thanks for reading!
Gareth Carr
Cinematographer & Photographer based in Sydney, Australia
Website: https://www.exposedwolf.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/garethcarrvideo
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/xposedwolf
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/exposedwolf/
Exposed Wolf is a video production & photography company based in Sydney, Australia. With over 20 years of industry experience, they can help you with planning, shooting and editing your projects to give you months of powerful content to raise your business and brand.