Should you film your marketing videos on an iPhone?

iphone video guide

Being a video production company in Sydney during the COVID pandemic we have seen more and more businesses using their iPhone for their marketing videos. This was perfectly fine in the thick of the pandemic when we were all in lockdown. We even encouraged our clients to use their phones to keep in touch with their customers and keep them up to date with what they were doing. But now that lockdown has eased and we a settling back into the new norm its time to ditch the phone videos. Now, don’t get me wrong. There is still room for both professional and iPhone videos but it all comes down to context. Use your iPhone to shoot behind the scenes videos when you are on your professional shoots. It gives your customers a sneak peek into what you will be releasing soon. Use your iPhone to film stories and Reels for Instagram. Don’t be afraid to share your life and what makes you get up every day and do what you do to run your business. This lets you connect with people on a human level. 

iphone corporate video

This all works really well for customers you have already connected with. They have been following you for a while and may have already even purchased from you. But what about a customer who has just discovered you for the first time? Your video, whichever one they land on could be your first and only chance to hook them. Do you want to represent your business as cheap-looking with little effort put in? If you come across as only promoting yourself half-heartedly will you put similar effort into, for example, helping them sell their home?  I have been working with a real estate agent who decided to up his game and go all-in on professional videos and photography. Each video was presented as a mini TV show. It wouldn’t just focus on the home, we would visit local attractions and sell the area. He was selling not just a home but a lifestyle. He started off selling smaller properties but the more professional videos we created the more his business started to grow. He soon gained a reputation as the go-to agent in his area. His competitor’s videos involved them sitting in their car explaining the situation of the market or they would walk around a home and take pictures with their phone. Needless to say, it wasn’t long before they were attempting to copy my client’s formula. But, it was too late. He was already dominating the market and they were left with the dregs.

A professional video shows your customers that you are serious about your business. It shows that you are willing to put the extra effort in to provide them with regular free advice. You are solving their problems and showing how your business offers them solutions. You come across as an authority and because your videos are so polished, when they meet you it’s like they are meeting a celebrity. That isn’t a joke. I have been for meetings with clients who have been watching my videos. Some have been nervous to meet me as they have seen me as an expert all over the internet. In reality, I’m just a regular guy who likes to spread my knowledge in the hope that it helps someone out. I have also had meetings that went extremely well because the client said they felt like they already knew me due to watching my videos. A professional video also makes you look successful. If all you post are phone videos then it can come across that you are desperate and can’t afford the real thing. P.S. It’s not as expensive as you might think!

iphone video

You won’t see overnight success with your video’s. That’s just the nature of the beast. It takes time to build and to earn your customers trust. But by posting consistently and not giving up even when engagement is low you will start seeing results. Just make sure you are combining your amateur footage with your professional footage. If all you post are amateur videos then your business will come across as amateur. Your videos are like a shop front. If all you have in the window are inferior products then a customer may not even stop to look let alone enter your store. You only have five seconds to get their attention. After that, they are scrolling on and your competitor’s professional video will have jumped out and caught their eye. It’s like fishing. You need to use the right bait to hook the fish. Once you have them hooked then you can guide them through your funnel until they click the buy button. Who is more likely to catch the fish? The amateur or the professional?

Thanks for reading!

Gareth Carr

Cinematographer & Photographer based in Sydney, Australia


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Exposed Wolf is a video production & photography company based in Sydney, Australia. With over 20 years of industry experience, they can help you with planning, shooting and editing your projects to give you months of powerful content to raise your business and brand.