Are you putting up barriers?

Hey everyone, Gareth here from Exposed Wolf. Welcome to a new blog post about the world of video marketing. Today I want to tell you to stop worrying about coming on camera. It’s a very common fear but one that will stop you from moving your business forward.

Approximate read time three minutes.

Haven’t got time to read? Check out the video below

In the digital age, nobody wants to be sold to. You need to be providing value to your clients to make you the authority in your field.

nervous on camera

A lot of people are worried that it all has to be completely perfect, they have to look perfect. They fear that people may judge them. What if they don’t say the right thing?

Fear is the biggest thing preventing you from moving forward. So stop worrying about it, because it doesn’t have to be perfect as long as you’re giving good, valuable information to people.

getting over fear

People don’t actually care and they won’t judge you. In fact, for people who are thinking about doing their own videos, they’ll actually respect you for getting out there and having the confidence to do it.

I have recently been recording my own videos and posting them on Linkedin. I have had a huge response and have generated new leads that have already led to work. All that from taking one day out to bulk shoot all my content.

terrible on camera

So that’s all I wanted to say today. Stop putting up those barriers and just get out there and start shooting some video content.

If you find yourself procrastinating then why not hire a video company like Exposed Wolf to help guide you through the process. It really helps to have someone there to move you along.

You need to be consistent in your posting on social media so bulk shoot everything and you’ll have months of content.

I hope you enjoyed this quick blog, and I’ll see you next time.

Thanks for reading!

Gareth Carr

Cinematographer & Photographer based in Sydney, Australia






Exposed Wolf is a video production & photography company based in Sydney, Australia. With over 20 years of industry experience, they can help you with planning, shooting and editing your projects to give you months of powerful content to raise your business and brand.