We have all been there. You post a video and it barely gets any views and you are left feeling deflated and wondering why you even bothered to make it in the first place. So I have posted 10 reasons why you might be experiencing this.
1. Your video is too long
If your video is too long then you risk losing viewers before they’ve even hit the play button. In today’s society we are all so busy and have so much content at our fingertips that our engagement levels are at their lowest they have ever been. We recommend keeping videos between 1-2 minutes max. You can use these video’s as hooks to pull people towards longer versions if you wish because once they are hooked in they will invest the time to hear more about your business so they are confident in buying from you.
2. You’re not using paid advertising
So your video is ready to share with the world. Don’t be afraid to add some paid advertising to boost your post. You have invested your money and energy into getting the video right so you want as many eyes to see it as possible. You don’t need to spend a lot, just make sure you know who your targeted audience is. Even the biggest viral videos had help to get rolling. Facebook users are watching 1 billion videos per day and with 300 hours of videos uploaded to Youtube every minute. You need to make sure you stand out.
3. Your video lacks excitement
Your event or business may be exciting but if your video is dull then you risk losing the viewer within seconds and you will be lost in cyberspace. You need to start the video off with strong imagery to suck the viewer in, add a music score that suits the emotion you want and helps flow throughout the whole video leading up to a climactic finale that makes the viewer say “This is the company for me!”
4. Your video isn’t worth sharing
Sharing is caring. Most organic views come from friends sharing with friends. “Hey check this out!” is the comment you want to aim for. Your video needs to be exciting, engaging and entertaining. Think about your target audience and drive the look of the video towards this. Don’t be afraid to ask friends and family to like and share your video too.
5. You are not building your fan base prior to the event
You need to grow a fan base early on to maximize your views. This can be done with small teaser videos to put you on peoples radars. It could be interviews with experts who are attending, medieval knights and what makes them tick, sculptures and artists and the thoughts that go into their work. The possibilities are endless.
If you are reading this and your event planner and your event is around the corner then don’t fret, shooting content at your event this year will ensure that you are covered in the build-up for next years event so you are getting two lots of worth, a highlights video for this year and marketing collateral for next year! Win, win!
6. You are giving away too much
This is for an events video. Think of your video as a movie trailer. You want to explain the plot but not give away too much. We want people to say “That looks awesome, let’s go” and not “Well I’ve seen most of it now, no point going”. Finding the right balance is key.
7. Your video looks cheap
Low-quality footage and bad angles that make your event look cheap will turn people off. Remember, this video is a representation of your business and needs to reflect the high standard that your business and event maintains. Poor quality sound will also make people switch off. You need quality visuals and audio to keep the viewer entertained up to the buy now button.
8. Your video is not engaging
All the elements fall into this category. Length, quality, visuals, music, and excitement all need to combine to keep the viewer glued to your video. The shooting and editing processes are so important and should not be taken lightly. If you cut corners it will show and you will not get the engagement you need.
9. You are not using multiple channels
Don’t just post to Youtube and expect the views to roll in. There are millions of videos out there so you need to cast a large net if you want to catch a lot of fish. Upload separately to Facebook to boost your views. Facebook prefers direct uploads rather than linking back to Youtube. Post to Twitter, Reddit, Tumbler and beyond. Think of it as tree branches, the more branches the tree has, the more the tree will keep growing and expanding and you’ll get more fruit in return!
10. You aren’t trying something new
Why be like everyone else? What makes your corporate video different? Stand out from the crowd and try something new. Add some comedy, some funky music, some quirky transitions. Add special effects and drama, make your video fun for people to watch. Add some vox pops and testimonials. Every business is unique so each video should be too.
Take the time to sit down with your videographer to plan the shoot and compile a shot list. Talk about your target audience and the vibe you want to create. The video will be a representation of what your company is all about and is your chance to show what you’re made of!
Thanks for reading!
Gareth Carr
Cinematographer & Photographer based in Sydney, Australia
Get in touch: https://exposedwolf.com/contact-us
Website: https://www.exposedwolf.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/garethcarrvideo
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/xposedwolf
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/exposedwolf/
Exposed Wolf is a video production & photography company based in Sydney, Australia. With over 20 years of industry experience, they can help you with planning, shooting and editing your projects to give you months of powerful content to raise your business and brand.